
"This is a major contribution to the accounting profession! "

“Rich and practical insights that can be easily applied in our day to day life."

"I recently completed the Cash Flow Master Class online, and I must say it was an incredibly valuable experience."

"Despite having worked with Cash Flow Statements for years, I still learned a great deal from the excellent presentation"

Do any of these situations resonate with you?

  • You're struggling to manage your business Cash Flow.

    Can you connect your Net Income and Cash balances?

    Do you know how to optimize each component of your cash conversion cycle to maximize cash flow and minimize your business risk?

    Are you correctly managing your cash flows from operations, financing and investing to avoid liquidity and solvency problems?

  • You're struggling with Cash Flow planning and analysis

    Do you know how to prepare a cash flow statement?

    Are you comfortable preparing cash flow forecasts and modelling various scenarios to prepare for future uncertainties?

    Do you know how to analyze cash flow data to improve strategic business decisions in your organization?

  • You're struggling to make strategic business decisions using Cash Flow.

    Do you know how to align your cash flow and your business strategy to achieve long-term objectives?

    Are you confident in making key investment decisions, like new financing transactions or mergers and acquisitions, based on your cash flow situation?

    Have you ever had to abandon a strategic initiative due to unexpected cash flow issues?

Unlock Strategic Decision-Making: Grab Your Exclusive 30-Point Cash Flow Mastery Checklist

Start making Better Strategic Business Decisions Today!

Do you feel like...

  • ...you lack the strategic financial insights required for a promotion or a more challenging role?

  • ...you lack confidence in your finance skills and worry about your career progression?

  • ...you're stuck or unfulfilled in your current role and looking for ways to boost your job satisfaction?

Just Imagine Having...

  • The impactful and meaningful career you dreamed

  • The money and earnings potential you trained for

  • The influence to drive strategic business decisions

  • The strong business cash flow you need to grow

  • The capital you need to finance your business

Introducing The Cash Flow Masterclass

Exclusively Available Here.

This unique masterclass is led by a seasoned entrepreneur, banker, CPA, and MBA with over 20 years of experience. These course materials and insights are not available anywhere else and they will give you the competitive edge you need to take your career or your business to that next level.

Master Cash Flow Full Circle

  • Accounting

    Accrual vs. Cash Accounting Preparing Cash Flow Statements Direct vs. Indirect Cash Flow

  • Finance

    Understand the Cash Flow Statement Assess the Cash Conversion Cycle Analyze Key Cash Flow Drivers

  • Business

    Optimize Cash Flow

    Finance Cash Requirements

    Avoid Cash Flow Mistakes


"I work as a CFO but I found it very eye opening and educational."

"Extremely useful not only for CPAs but also for non-financial executives and business owners who work closely with their CFOs."

"I highly recommend taking the Cash Flow Masterclass, implementing the entire process described in the course and using the KPIs to manage cash flow in your business.”

Practical Knowledge. Unparalleled Expertise. Transformative Approach.

Gain access to unparalleled expertise and knowledge that will transform your approach to cash flow management.

If you're ready for a strategic finance transformation, this is the video course for you.

  • 50+ Lessons

    Strategic Cash Flow Management Concepts to Help you Achieve Mastery

  • 10+ Downloadable Infographics

    Cash Flow Management Infographics

  • 10+ Downloadable Excel Practice Files

    Excel Templates and Practice Files

5 ⭐Testimonials

What Will you Learn?

☑️ The Importance of Cash Flow in Strategic Business Decisions

☑️ The Anatomy of a Cash Flow Statement

☑️ How to Analyze the Cash Flow Statement

☑️ How to Tell a Compelling Cash Flow Story

☑️ Types of Cash Flow Statements: Direct vs. Indirect

☑️ How to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement: Direct vs. Indirect

☑️ What are the Key Cash Flow Drivers?

☑️ The Cash Conversion Cycle: calculate, analyze, improve

☑️ Cash Flow Management: Optimizing vs. Maximizing

☑️ Cash Flow Mistakes to Know and Avoid


"Oana has a remarkable talent for simplifying intricate concepts, making them accessible to individuals with varying levels of financial literacy."

“Oana is highly skilled in business, strategy, accounting, and finance."

"She has an amazing level and insight and knowledge"

"Oana's depth of knowledge and abilities to communicate complex and detailed insights across platforms and audiences is unique and noteworthy."

Are you ready of a transformation?

Get ready for cash flow intelligence

Understanding cash flow is no longer just an accounting requirement, it's a business imperative.

Without this fundamental grasp, businesses miss out on critical growth opportunities and risk financial distress.

But, when a business is powered by cash flow intelligence, the narrative changes.

Develop a comprehensive understanding of cash flow & learn how to lead businesses towards sustainable growth.

Become indispensable to your organization, drive prosperity, earn recognition, and command respect through your proactive, strategic, and problem-solving approach to cash flow management.

Learn from the #1 Linkedin Corporate Finance Content Creator

300,000+ Followers & 95 Million Content Views

About Your Instructor

Hi, I'm Oana Labes. I built my career and my business around strategic finance, and today I am here to help you build yours the same way.

The Cash Flow Masterclass is the result of 2 decades of experience in the world of finance, business, entrepreneurship and commercial lending.

I have an MBA from one of Canada's top tier business schools, a designation as a Professional Accountant from one of the toughest programs in the world, and over 12 years of experience advising and financing hundreds of Canadian companies.

I have distilled my extensive and unique expertise in cash flow management to save you from having to spend 20 years learning what I know, and instead help you get farther ahead in your career and your business.

I am confident this course will help you grow your knowledge and expertise, expand your earnings, and influence and overall improve your business and your life.


"I've been an accountant (RIA, CMA, CPA) for 43 years but I have never seen the Cash Flow Statement and the Cash Flow Management Process described with the level of clarity and completeness provided throughout this Masterclass."

What's Included?

☑️ Comprehensive, easy-to-follow modules covering all aspects of cash flow management

☑️ Engaging video lessons, practical exercises, and real world examples

☑️ Downloadable course presentation to reference after the course at your convenience

☑️ Downloadable Excel templates and infographics to support your cash flow mastery

☑️ Interactive quizzes and assessments to test your knowledge and track your progress

☑️ Lifetime access to course materials, so you can learn at your own pace

☑️ Access the course materials anytime, anywhere and from any device

☑️ Access to future materials added to the course at no additional cost to you

☑️ Completion Certificate

Course curriculum

    1. Bem-Vindo & Download dos Arquivos do Curso

    1. Por Que Gerenciar o Caixa?

    2. 15 Razões para Melhorar a Gestão de Fluxo de Caixa - Infográfico

    3. A Masterclass de Fluxo de Caixa - Quiz sobre Fluxo de Caixa - Início do Curso

    4. Masterclass de Fluxo de Caixa – Questionario

    1. O Que o Fluxo de Caixa Não É

    2. Lucro Não é Fluxo de Caixa - Infográfico

    3. Receita vs. Lucro vs. EBITDA vs. Fluxo de Caixa - Caso de Negócio & Modelo de Excel com Solução

    1. Contabilidade de Caixa vs. Contabilidade de Competência

    2. Caixa vs. Competência - Quiz Verdadeiro ou Falso

    3. Caixa vs. Competência - Respostas do Quiz Verdadeiro ou Falso

    1. Por Que Precisamos de um Demonstrativo de Fluxo de Caixa?

    2. O Que Mostra um Demonstrativo de Fluxo de Caixa e Como É Utilizado?

    3. A Anatomia de um Demonstrativo de Fluxo de Caixa

    4. Entradas e Saídas de Fluxo de Caixa Operacional

    5. Entradas e Saídas de Fluxo de Caixa de Financiamento

    6. Entradas e Saídas de Fluxo de Caixa de Investimento

    7. Juntando Tudo

    8. Entradas e Saídas de Caixa - Infográfico

    9. Exercício de Classificação de Transações

    10. Exercício de Classificação de Transações - Questionario

    11. Exercício de Impacto no Fluxo de Caixa

    12. Exercício de Impacto no Fluxo de Caixa

    1. Análise do Demonstrativo de Fluxo de Caixa - Nível 1

    2. Análise do Demonstrativo de Fluxo de Caixa - Nível 2

    3. Exercício sobre Transações Não Monetárias

    4. Exercício sobre Transações Não Monetárias - Questionario

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • Lifetime Access
  • App Available
  • Available on the Go


"The slides, quizzes and infographics are of excellent quality "

"The instructor, Oana, did an excellent job of explaining concepts in a clear and concise manner.”."

"The Cash Flow Masterclass is great value and you will walk away with both practical skills and strategic knowledge”.


  • Why should I take this course?

    This comprehensive course will help you learn how to drive strategic business decisions by confidently navigating the world of cash flow management. It will support you to accelerate your career, expand your business, and enable you to have the impact and influence you've always dreamed of.

  • What will I learn in this course?

    You'll learn how to seamlessly connect profits with cash flow, master the art of crafting a compelling cash flow story, effortlessly prepare accurate cash flow statements, and utilize the cash conversion cycle to drive strategic business decisions.

  • Why is cash flow so important?

    As this course will show you, poor cash flow management can result in serious business mistakes and potentially irreversible consequences. Meanwhile, strong cash flow skills foster enhanced business profitability, enable smarter business choices, and support a much more rewarding finance career with greater earning potential.

  • Who is this course for?

    This comprehensive masterclass is designed for finance professionals, corporate executives, and entrepreneurs looking to deepen their understanding of corporate cash flow management, and advance their businesses and careers. It's explained in layman's terms so everyone can relate and follow along well, without requiring any pre-requisite knowledge.

  • Who is this course not for?

    This course is not suitable for individuals who lack interest in cash flow, its drivers, and its strategic importance to the sustainability and growth of an organization.

  • What is 1-1 Coaching?

    1-1 Coaching will get you personalized guidance and feedback. You will work directly with the course instructor and will receive individual attention and support to clarify, discuss or explain topics of interest from this course.

  • Will I get a completion certificate?

    Yes! You will get a completion certificate which you can proudly display on your Linkedin profile page or list on your resume!

  • Will I have lifetime access?

    Yes! And you will also benefit from future additions to the course, such as new videos or new infographics and templates.

  • OK, I'm ready. What do I do to get started?

    Click Enroll Now to start learning TODAY! The course today for the nominal investment of $299, or choose a coaching package to get additional support and coaching from the course instructor.

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Until August 12.

Excusive EBITDA Webinar. Don't miss out on a unique opportunity to get critical knowledge and strategic insights about the world's most controversial financial metric. Learn to make better business and financing decisions when using EBITDA. Save time and avoid costly mistakes with this high value bonus.

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Are you serious about advancing your career?

Then this course should be at the top of your list, for the massive value it will provide compared to the nominal investment required on your part.

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If you're serious about your career or your business, you need this course!

Improve your strategic decision-making, accelerate your career and expand your business with this one-of-a-kind, strategic finance course.

the cashflow masterclass available on any device

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